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Become a "Voice for the Child"

CASA 4 Kids, Inc.

CASA volunteers give selfishly of their time and talent to provide advocacy for abused and neglected children who come to the attention of the juvenile court.

The CASA volunteer becomes the "voice for the child" in the juvenile court system.

Our volunteers spend time with the children to build a rapport - visiting the children at home and in the school. This is important so the CASA volunteer can advocate for each child's individual needs.

The CASA volunteer speaks with all involved with the child to develop a better understanding of the child's situation which then in turn allows recommendations that can be made to the court that are in the best interest of the child.

The CASA volunteer collaborates with other service agency as well.

This is an unique volunteer opportunity that allows a supervised, professionally trained volunteer to make a difference in a child's life.

Each child deserves a safe and stable environment to thrive.

CASA 4 Kids, Inc.



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